I helped plan and execute a three day design workshop for 100+ teachers from around the world with the k12 lab.

Here are some of the materials I created.

Clockwise from top left: welcome packet and event schedule, health clinic design challenge guide booklet, universal design challenge generator geared towards teachers, campus safety design challenge guide booklet

Clockwise from top left: welcome packet and event schedule, health clinic design challenge guide booklet, universal design challenge generator geared towards teachers, campus safety design challenge guide booklet

The summer before my senior year at Lick-Wilmerding High School, I was given the privilege to intern at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (the d.school), with the k12 Lab. In a team of five, I spent a month preparing and testing two design challenges optimized towards quickly teaching the philosophy of design thinking to a group of 100+ multinational teachers. We planned the three-day event, created design challenge booklets, and coached teams of teachers through the process. It was eye opening to watch the teachers learn so quickly, and I learned by teaching something so new to me. This experience fundamentally shaped my motivation to study mechanical engineering, and to pursue product design.